On Aug 2, 2012, at 2:11 PM, zOSdude wrote:

Our auditors (Feds) say we need to apply all new PTF's within 30 days of availability. I'm speechless. Does anyone have the patience to form a cogent argument without laughing, crying, or tying one on?

I told my boss that if I did that, we'd be about as stable as a windows PC.




I agree with most posters with one exception. "new" products from IBM (depending on type) can be extremely temperamental and you must maintain them in less than 30 days fashion. However in general I would stick with the recommendation of the others as to when fixes are applied.

Just be aware that when you are "bleeding edge" you will find other issues that will cause you to put on other fix(s). It can be an unending running mill. If you decide to go that way hire extra staff and get some extra no gray hair preparation and be prepared for a lot of over nighters (maybe a good divorce lawyer as well).


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