I was talking about x86-64 bit cores.  16 cores running Hercules and
z/OS would get you about 3 z196 cores of 1,600 MIPS.  I don't know
what chip or benchmark you are talking about because that is about 300
times faster that x86-64 chips.

On Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Anne & Lynn Wheeler <l...@garlic.com> wrote:
> mike.a.sch...@gmail.com (Mike Schwab) writes:
>> Put a Hercules emulator and z/OS on that blade, 50 z/OS MIPS per
>> hyperthread, so 100 MIPS per core, 1600 MIPS per blade (per
>> TurboHercules).  Perhaps $5,000 per blade?  Some blades do have 4
>> sockets.
> re:
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2012l.html#51 Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of 
> Tennessee
> This mentions 3.2BIPS with 8-way Nehalem (compared to z10 30BIPS with 64
> processors at z196 50BIPS with 80 processors)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hercules_%28emulator%29
> there has big thruput difference between i86 and risc ... risc having
> out-or-order execution, branch prediction, speculative execution, etc
> for a couple decades. last couple i86 chip generations have moved to
> risc with hardware layer that translates i86 instructions to risc
> micro-ops ... mitigating much of the thruput difference. Hyperthreading
> (two simulated processors per core) is also used to further increase
> instructions per second (by feeding execution units from two independent
> instruction streams). Hyperthreading was worked on back in early 70s for
> 370/195 ... but never shipped to customers. The 370/195 was out-of-order
> and pipelined but didn't have branch-prediction or speculative
> instructions. Peak thruput was 10MIPS ... but most codes ran at 5MIPS
> because of branch stalls. It was planned that two independent
> instruction streams ... each running at 5MIPS effective thruput would
> obtain aggregate of 10MIPS.
> even z196 claims the introduction of out-of-order execution was big part
> of thruput improvement from z10 to z196 ... with further out-of-order
> enhancements coming with the newest generation. Announcements claim 50%
> thruput increase for max EC12 over 80 processor z196 ..  which would put
> it about 75BIPS.
> traditional 370 simulation has claimed 10:1 (with further improvements
> in some of the commerical simuators with just-in-time "compilation"
> ... aka dynamic translation of repeatedly executive 370 snippets to
> native for direct execution). e5-2600 is two socket (chip) with 8 cores
> (processors) per chip for total of 16 processors benchmarked at
> aggregate of 527BIPS ... which might yield as much as mainframe 53BIPS
> (at 10:1) ... or approx. same as 80-processor z196. IBM has base price
> for e5-2600 blade at $1815 ... compared to $28M for 80-processor z196.
> Note analysis from couple days ago claims IBM sells $5.25M in mainframe
> software, services and storage for every $1M in mainframe hardware. That
> would imply customers spend closer to $175M for 80-processor z196 ($28M
> + $147M).
> If the Amazon "supercomputer" at $4829/hr, 51,132 cores, $48M/annum were
> running mainframe simulation (at 10:1) ... that would still be the
> equivalent of 3,380 z196 80 processor machines or $625B (one-tenth of
> the $6.25trillion from the previous post). The problem is would it
> require the equivalent amount of IBM mainframe software (at the cost of
> several hundred billion)?
> Four socket e5-4600 blades are arriving ... which theoritically will be
> 1000BIPS machines ... but I haven't seen any published benchmarks yet
> ... four sockets (chips), 32 cores (processors), 64 hyperthreads ...
> which theoritically could give mainframe 100BIPS per blade.
> Way back when, when I was involved in doing ECPS (initially for 138/148)
> ... there was factor 10 times increase in thruput dropping segments of
> vm370 kernel code into native "microcode". We were given that machines
> had 6kbytes of space available for ECPS native microcode and were to
> choose the 6kbytes of highest used vm370 kernel pathlengths. Old post
> given the result of kernel pathlength timings ... ordered by percent of
> total kernel time. 6kbyte cut-off accounted for 79.55% of vm370 kernel
> execution time ... dropping it into m'code resulted in ten times speedup
> (aka about 8% ... eliminating 72% of vm370 kernel time) ... aka low &
> mid-range 370s use to all be 370 simulator with software runnong on some
> native engine at approx. 10:1 overhead:
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/94.html#21 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
> as aside ... this mentions doing HA/CMP for unix platforms along
> with cluster scaleup.
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/95.html#13
> at the time, mainframe DB2 complained that if I was allowed to
> continue it would be a minimum of 5yrs ahead of them ... in
> both scaleup and availability. misc. past posts mentioning
> HA/CMP product
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/subtopic.html#hacmp
> also at the time, out doing marketing pitches, I coined the terms
> "disaster survivability" and "geographic survivability" ... and was also
> asked to write a section for the corporate continuous availability
> strategy document ... but the section got pulled when both Rochester and
> POK complained that they couldn't meet the requirements ... misc. past
> posts mentioning "continuous availability"
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/submain.html#available
> post from 2009 mentioning from (IBM) Annals of Release No Software
> Before Its Time:
> http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2009p.html#43 From The Annals of Release No 
> Software Before Its Time
> --
> virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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