I have, in fact, looked at the files in the file system.  Here are some of them:
  Type  Perm  Changed-CST6CDT   Owner      ------Size  Filename                 
_ Dir    755  2012-12-21 10:57  PFA             40960  .                        
_ File   666  2012-12-21 10:57  PFA          25571646  
_ File   666  2012-12-21 10:57  PFA             60127  
_ File   644  2012-12-21 10:57  PFA             82884  

The only one with anything readable is the javacore file.  
Here's the top bit of that one:
 BROWSE    javacore.20121221.105731.67110130.0003.txt                           
 Command ===>                                                                   
*********************************************************** Top of Data 
0SECTION       TITLE subcomponent dump routine                                  
NULL           ===============================                                  
1TISIGINFO     Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail 
"java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" received      
1TIDATETIME    Date:                 2012/12/21 at 10:57:34                     
1TIFILENAME    Javacore filename:    
0SECTION       GPINFO subcomponent dump routine                                 
NULL           ================================                                 
2XHOSLEVEL     OS Level         : z/OS 01.11.00                                 

I'm guessing that the OutOfMemoryErrror relates to the ftp process but no one 
is reporting any problems with ftp so I'm still at a loss.  I not certain if we 
capture the SMF 118 or 119 records and if we do I'll have to figure out a way 
to interpret them.  I'm a CICS guy trying not a z/OS guy so this is kind of 
unknown terrritory for me but I'm willing to learn.

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