We recently added some unassigned memory to our production LPAR and IPL’d.
The memory did not show.  We had to deactivate the LPAR and reactivate it
to add the memory.    This was on a z14-ZR1 with z/OS 2.3.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:31 AM R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

> W dniu 23.06.2020 o 02:07, Charles Mills pisze:
> > Today is real storage day. Sorry for the elementary questions.
> >
> > The folks that own the box as a whole have added memory to our LPAR. Do
> we
> > need to IPL to pick that up in z/OS, or is there a command or similar
> > process? I thought I heard at a SHARE presentation that it could be done
> > dynamically, but the box owners are telling us an IPL is required.
> >
> > PR/SM, not VM, if that matters.
> >
> I don't understand details, so my answer is rather general:
> 1. LPAR can be defined with memory and "reserved" memory. That means it
> is possible to get more memory than assingned during LPAR activation
> (usually IML process).
> 2. OS may or may not support dynamic memory change. z/OS does support
> it. So, it is possible to dynamically add memory to the system.
> Assumpions are: LPAR definition as described above *and* free
> (unassigned) storage in CPC. Free storage may come from deactivated
> (other) LPAR.
> 3. It is also possible to buy memory without physical deactivation of
> CPC. It is memory which is already inside the CPC, but microcode will
> enable it for user. It can be done dynamically, and new memory will
> appear as unassigned to any LPAR. Then you can add it do a system as
> described above.
> 4. Amount of "memory for sale" within CPC depend on many factors. As far
> as I know IBM want to disable this option ("preplanned memory"), however
> AFAIK it is still possible to get a little bit more than ordered and the
> gap can be bought and enabled.
> Personally I always define LPARs with reserved memory just to have
> option to for future unknown need. And I had cases when I really needed
> additional memory.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
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OneMain Financial
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