On 2020-09-02 16:16, Tom Conley wrote:
On 9/2/2020 11:30 AM, David Crayford wrote:
On 2020-09-03 1:47 AM, Robert Prins wrote:
This seems to go hand-in-hand with HILITE.  Does it understand that
PL/I has no reserved words and that any of the above might be merely

ISPF HILITE is just that highlight. It do\es not do any parsing of the language. I think EDOEND predated HILITE, and it also has an option to just show all "myproc: proc;" ... 'end myproc;' statements

You can customize ISPF highlight code. Check out ISP.SISPSAMP(ISRPXASM)

I just updated ISRPXASM to add about 70 new COBOL and 140 new PL/I keywords. You can grab FILE967 at www.cbttape.org.  Lots of other goodies in there.

You might also want to add ISFPCU41, Doug's version of the SDSF output panel with lots of customizable highlighting. It will need work, as the Doug's version dates back to a time where there were a hell of a lot less attribute characters on the panel.

I might still have a version of one of Doug's originals (there were several), mine is working on z/OS 1.10 (and pretty screwed up on 2.4), and includes some additional code to highlight PL/I error messages and to add the (abbreviated) SDSF function onto the SWAPBAR:

zscrname = word('SDSF ISF@ST  ISF@O   ISF@DA  ISF@H   ISF@I',
                     'ISF@LOG ISF@SR  ISF@MAS ISF@JC  ISF@SE',
                     'ISF@PS  ISF@INI ISF@PR  ISF@PUN',
                     'ISF@RDR ISF@LIN ISF@NOD ISF@SO  ISF@ULG',,
                wordpos(display, 'STATUS  OUTPUT DA HELD INPUT',
                                 'SYSLOG SYSTEM MAS JOB SCHEDULING',
                                 'PROCESS INITIATOR PRINTER PUNCH',
                                 'READER LINE NODE SPOOL ULOG') + 1)

You can see how backlevel it is...

Robert AH Prins
The hitchhiking grandfather - https://prino.neocities.org/indez.html
Some REXX code for use on z/OS - https://prino.neocities.org/zOS/zOS-Tools.html

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