W dniu 28.10.2020 o 18:00, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:09:27 +0000, Frank Swarbrick wrote:

Load module or program object should be easy: executable, or binary executable.

Does this include "executable" residing in a UNIX directory?  Must this be
further clarified, perhaps to prohibit:
     //STEP  EXEC  PGM='/bin/true'

This is part of JCL course.
And my explanation seems like this:
You provide MEMBER NAME. The program is a member of PDS or PDSE library. What library? There is some system list, similar to PATH in Unix/Windows/DOS/OS2. However you may provide your own libary but NOT HERE. Here is a place of member name only.
Name of library is in STEPBLIB DD (and JOBLIB DD...)
Q: "Radek, what about unix system services programs"?
A: "this is about native MVS programs. We learn this part now. Unix program can be called, but this is in next part".

BTW: How many times I saw //STEP1  EXEC PGM=USER.MY.LIB(PRG1)
And you know? It doesn't work. ;-)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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