On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 21:53:15 +0000, Seymour J Metz wrote:

>> in fact, IKJPARS weakens EXECIO.  In CMS Rexx, I can simply say:
>>    EXECIO 1 DISKW file-spec (string It's a string!

OK.  I forgot to quote it.  Anything else?

On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 14:16:50 -0800, Charles Mills wrote:

>Pardon my ignorance. What does IKJPARS have to do with EXECIO DISKW?
I suspect it's a cultural influence.  TSO designers expected programmers
to be so repulsed by the necessarily unbalanced "(" in:
    "EXECIO 1 DISKW" <file-spec> "(STRING" <expression>
... that they required an assignment and a stem, or a push and pull.

Coming from a background of TECO, I was aghast at the verbosity of
SPF Edit; it felt like composing a program in real time whereas using
an editor should become a motor skill.  Example: if I want to delete
several lines containing "foo bar" in vi:
    /foo bar<ENTER>
    ddnddndd ...
    :g/foo bar/d<ENTER>

in ISPF Edit (I think):
    x all<ENTER>
    f 'foo bar'<ENTER>
    del all<ENTER>

Is there a better way?  Do I need to hone my skills?


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