On Tue, 24 Nov 2020, at 02:20, Al Ferguson wrote:
> Performance reasons. Without the quotes REXX first interprets MVS as a 
> variable name

Are you sure?

I thought that environment (after address) was one of the few places in 
REXX where quotes were unnecessary because what's typed there is 
regarded as a constant.

And, that if you actually wanted a variable's value to be used, you'd have
to code

  address value varname

> Back in the MVS & MVS/XA Days, these types of performance optimizations 
> were actually quite noticeable.

Even if what you said above was true, I doubt very much that capitalising
the environment name would ever have make a measurable difference,
bearing in mind how few times one would typically specify an address 
statement in a typical exec.

> I similarly “always” capitalize REXX Key words, to save REXX from 
> having to spend cycles actually FOLDING then up.

It's been years since I wrote any REXX on a mainframe, but I know I didn't
uppercase my code back then ... and a quick look at current manuals shows
sample code is sometimes in uppercase, and sometimes mixed case.

Is this idea that uppercase REXX is more efficient something that everyone 
here accepts?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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