Hello all!

I have a new SORT challenge... I have looked up and found out how to use SORT to get the current date and output it, but I need to go further, and could not find this.

I would like to use SORT to generate a file like this that I am using for testing some SQL logic I am working on:

I need this for about 3 months worth of dates. The dates should start either on the 15th of the month, 2 months ago, or 45 days ago (whichever is easier) and go up through the end of the current month (it could even start on the 1st day of 2 months ago if necessary). So for today (June 30), it would have
. . .

I can generate the sequential number, but have trouble with incremental dates or getting the start date. Can Kolusu or someone else help with this? I am sure it is simple with a repeat, but I can't come up with anything.

Thank you and best regards,
Billy Ashton

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