OK - real story.   Working as an L2 support tech for a well known software company.  New release of the product required a new SVC because an area in the F1 DSCB that was previously unused by IBM was now being used - so that critical bit of data had to be moved to a new unused area.   The manual for the new release had a note, in bold type, at the bottom of the instruction page discussing the SVC install that indicated existing users must perform the conversion to move the data in that field and make sure to NOT use the old SVC.

Customer calls angry because he is experiencing all kinds of problems after installing the new release.  One of the other techs received the call, but very soon handed it to me because he said he was at his wits end.   After a bit of diagnosis, I tell him he is running the old SVC and he has corrupted his F1 DSCBs.   He gets angry and starts yelling about there not being any warnings and that he is going to sue the company.   I tell him the page it is on, and his reply was "Well, it wasn't on the page *I* was reading!".

I walked him through recovering all of his data and making sure the installation was done correctly.   3 straight days on the phone for a full 8 hours.  The first two days he did nothing but complain, grumble, make accusations, etc.   In the end everything was just fine, and he was very nice, and he thanked me profusely for helping him out.    In our last chat he said "I want to apologize for my behavior when I initially called.   I had just turned 40 that day".    What I didn't say, but wanted to was "So you are saying that when you were 39 you weren't an asshole".

I'm sure he was panicking and probably thought it would cost him his job.  But it was a stressful 3 days for both of us.

I have other stories, as I'm sure others doing tech support have.    Some even better than this one...

On 2/5/2023 1:58 PM, Leonard D Woren wrote:
You could ask if the customer still has the box that the product came in.



Hank Oerlemans wrote on 2/2/2023 7:28 PM:
Customer : Could you please have a look and help us to fix the issue .
Customer log :  IEA992I SLIP TRAP ID=S047 MATCHED.

ME :
1. Hire a sysprog
3. Google Play and hit update
4. Apple store and hit update
5. Check calendar and mortgage and see when I can retire
6. Tears welling up realising I can't actually say any of 1-4.


It's slow today down under.....


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