On 3/1/23 06:15, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
As ooRexx is CMake based this should be quite feasible for such a huge computer company (having so many excellently skilled employees) like IBM.

CMake seems to work well for ooRexx. But I counter the idea that it really facilitates building of ooRexx for all IBM platforms, nor would CMake facilitate integration of ooRexx with systems and applications.

In a former life, I opposed CMake because it explicitly stomps on hand-crafted makefiles. But that only matters if you're part of the development team. (For ooRexx, I'm not, so it matters less.)

More recently, I have finally managed to update my own "wrapper" build logic for ooRexx. (Many thanks to René and others for helping me on that point.) But I find that CMake varies enough from one platform to the next that I've only been able to build ooRexx on /one/ of the half dozen target systems. So I'm now having supplemental CMake pain. (Apart from issues when I was a developer and beyond learning curve and relocation of curdled dairy products.)

Good multi-platform readiness has to happen at a deeper level. From what I see, ooRexx can get their, but it's not a drop-in. Seamless integration has to work in the bowels of the interpreter. Of that I can see very little w/r/t ooRexx. (I do see that Regina is ripe for integration, but was not / am not raising a flag against ooRexx in this note.)

-- R; <><

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