Yes, I agree that the only safe way out is to leave it to the professionals 
that created the problem.    The first hurdle would be having a relationship 
with them that allows me to make requests or demands.    Unless it is a broken 
situation that I can report to support as a 'problem' I have no alternatives.   
 My disagreement in their great and holy design does not rise to the point of 
getting them to fix what is not deemed as being wrong.

I would still be interested to know their response to the security exposure to 
data that cannot be wiped from the system.   An army of Security Auditors could 
descend upon them any day.    Because 'if it exists, it can be hacked' is their 
world view.    While I would like to make it no longer exist, I am not given 
that option with the current design.

The take it down, tear it apart, reformat it and put it all back together is 
the most daring approach I have ever seen. Very bold and high risk.   I have 
spent my career avoiding breadboards, soldering irons and screwdrivers for very 
good reasons.  The approval for me to do that layer of tinkering to get rid of 
annoying zombie abandoned tapes will never happen.   Plus, the skills to do 
that are not available.

I do not hate these zombie volumes enough to nuke the village in order to save 
it.   But it is sorta fun to think about.

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