On 7/31/23 9:28 AM, Schmitt, Michael wrote:
MAINFRAME: a computer that is larger than a midrange minicomputer and smaller than a supercomputer.


pc < workstation < minicomputer < mainframe < supercomputer

I posit that we should word smith to be "single computer" to rule out large Google sized clusters of thousands of computers.

But if we rule out "single computer" how does that effect sysplex / CF?

If we say that sysplex / CF is a single computer, does that mean that we also include NUMA servers from the '90s which appeared to run a single system image?

Definitions get tricky and require discussion back and forth to arrive at a common definition accepted for the conversation at hand.

More seriously, http://catb.org/jargon/html/M/mainframe.html refers to http://catb.org/jargon/html/D/dinosaur.html, which is defined as "Any hardware requiring raised flooring and special power."

LOL That tends to put mains and supers in the same category. At least most of them. It might have included some mini's in the days of yore.

Grant. . . .

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