On Saturday, August 5, 2023 at 06:08:55 AM PDT, Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
> I asked storage admin (myself) and heard NO. Automount changes nothing

> to what you described (and what is IMHO disputable, but this is
> different thread).

Clearly the storage admins you asked have never felt the pain of z/OS Unix 
filesystems because they are insignificant. Have him pretend he has a 100TB 
filesystem and ask him how he will restore your files. What tool will he use 
when the filesystem is full causing hundreds of users to fail? How will he 
migrate inactive z/OS Unix files to free up space? Is he willing to add an 
additional 10TB to the filesystem which will never be freed?

When a storage admin doesn't want to fully understand z/OS Unix filesystems, 
what options do you think they have? While automount has problems, it gives 
storage admins a solution they can deal with in their world. They can ignore 
storage quotas and use extents to limit size.

I'm not saying automount is a great solution but there are people who find it 
useful. z/OS Unix filesystems are not a great solution but we've learned to 
live with it's problems. How is automount any different?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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