Most clouds store data in the nearest facility for reduced read write
time.  Some clouds replicate to other sites.  Have been outages when a
cloud site went down and the data was not available.

2022 Google outage when a fire occured.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 10:45 AM Jon Perryman <> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:08:20 +0300, Arye Shemer <> wrote:
> > one of the most important reason is the
> >time frame that should be immediately (preferably tomorrow :-)  ).
> One very important detail I did not mention is the location of your data in 
> the cloud. You may connect to a cloud location thinking that is where it will 
> be stored. In order to be more efficient, some clouds may redirect your 
> request to a closer location. Potentially the country of the requester. Why 
> send the data halfway across the world when their cloud has a location closer 
> to the point of origin.
> My assumption was that this was an ASAP request which is why I suggested FTP. 
> Someone could manually FTP the backups starting today and a REXX exec quickly 
> written to automate the process. Writing a cloud enabled program takes longer 
> which could be considered later when there isn't a time constraint.
> Another possibility you may not have considered is using one of your 
> satellite offices located in a different country using a PC with USB drives. 
> Transfer the backups to the USB drive and take the drive to a safe deposit 
> box or a company similar to the one you currently use.
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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