On Fri, 3 Nov 2023 17:35:10 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aol.com> wrote:

>Grrr.  IBM's registered component prefixes govern program objects, etc., but
>not SYSMODs.  The best we could do was choose an unlikely prefix.

What were you thinking! All IBM PTF's & APARs begin with XX#. Unless you 
unwisely chose a component prefix with a number, your component code will never 
conflict with IBM standards. As for distinguishing APARs from PTFs, there's 
nothing stopping you from registering a second component code solely for APARS. 
As for choosing an unlikely prefix, hopefully you didn't use a registered 
component code because I think this is a standard vendor practice (at least 
where I've been).

>Almost so.  By IBM's convention, the APAR Fix SUPs the matching APAR.

This makes no sense. You never SUP yourself. What you are calling APAR FIX here 
refers to a PTF. Only resolving PTFs SUP the APAR. In fact, APARs will never 
contain a SUP unless absolutely necessary. An incorrect used SUP can cause a 
new APAR just to fix SMP/e.

>++HOLD identifies the APAR as the REASON().

You don't understand ++HOLD because APAR numbers are not specified in REASON(). 
The correct use is REASON(ERROR) and specify the resolving APAR. The fixing PTF 
SUPs the APAR thus releasing the ++HOLD ERROR.  

>It is also allowed for the  APAR Fix to have the same ID as the APAR.
>IBM doc has repeatedly misstated that and been fixed by my RCF.
>The ultimate PTF SUPs both.

What you are saying makes no sense. In terms of SMP/e, ++APAR is what you call 
APAR FIX. In terms of SMP/e, what does "APAR' refer to that you can now specify 
and was implemented because of your RCF?

><PEDANTRY> Mind the distinction between "APAR" and "APAR Fix".
>APARs are routinely created; APAR Fixes are not.

Actually, APAR is a logical process. You ignore other SMP/e APAR interactions 
such as ++HOLD, ++PTF and more that don't require ++ APAR. And you ignore 
important processes that are outside of SMP/e like the problem database. All 
these processes must be coordinated which is where APAR id comes in. 

What you call "APAR FIX" refers to ++APAR which is just one optional piece of 
the APAR. To use it correctly, the APAR ID must be specified in the PTF as a 
SUP. As part of the process, it provides a convenient method to temporarily 
solve a critical customer problem where they require the use of SMP/e.

>The name space is too damned small!  Listen, IBM!  (I'd like "com.<isv>....".)

As for name space, I'm not sure about the relevance to SMP/e. What is the SMP/e 
statement / option to which you are referring?

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