As someone pointed out, a s0c7 may not really be due to a bad data field in the 
last record READ.  But, to answer that question, if you did get an SVC dump 
using SLIP and you included RGN, SWA, TRT:

use IP SUMMARY REGS FORMAT to get the DEB chain printed or follow it yourself 
to find the OPEN DCBs at the time of the SLIP matching.  The DCB has the "next 
record pointer" at +4C .  It should be in the "buffer" so you might need to 
back up one record.  AbendAid and Fault Analyzer do this for you but it does 
not sound like you have those.  If the pgm used READ INTO or the compile 
specified AWO, the record actually being processed is moved from the buffer.  
If the record description contains an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause (a variable 
length table), sometimes the program is not handling examining table entries in 
a record validly.  

In the REGS FORMAT report, look for an RTM2WA which may be useful since that 
will show the PSW and regs, in case you are not adept at reading the RBs.   

use IP SYSTRACE TIME(LOCAL) to find the interrupt code 0007 to verify the PSW 
(this will cross check with the RTM2WA PSW and/or the PRB), and look for other 
errors in the trace (do a find on "RCVY"). 

If this abend is in a COBOL internal SORT, in a COBOL input or output 
procedure, the RBs will show the SORT VERB by a LINK to the in-house SORT 
routine and the input/output procedures are then run from that RB, not the 
jobstep PRB.  

regards, Joe D'Alessandro

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