On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:36:01 -0400, Thomas Conley <pinnc...@rochester.rr.com> 

> Isn't it ironic that a
>utility designed to save DASD space uses a 6144 blocksize and actually
>wastes DASD?

Taking the risk of starting another flame war here...

Are there still any shops that have actual SLED? In today's world of emulated 
DASD, would it really still hold true that using smaller block sizes is 
actually wasting space? After all, these bytes are in the end physically 
written to FBA devices with 512 byte sectors, no? In the old days, there were 
inter-record gaps that took up space, but is this still the case? And even if 
the emulation is so good that it simulates those, what is happening with the 
actual capacity of the physical disks. Is that being eaten by simulated IRG? 

Thanks for shedding some light on this, whoever knows the internals of these 
current DASD boxes,


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