On 16 September 2013 11:36, John Gilmore <jwgli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Kevin is right.  All of the COBOL 5.1 publications are available for
> downloading at the IBM Publications website.
> Thus, for example, the new Language Reference, SC4-7381-00, and the
> new Programming Guide, SC4-7382-00, are both available.
> Unfortunately, however, they are available there ONLY as PDFs; and the
> OP wanted them as Softcopy Librarian documents.

He clarified in a later post that he wanted to be able to download
using Softcopy Librarian, but had no objection to PDFs. And indeed SL
is quite handy for not just downloading, but for its ability to
compare what you have downloaded ("installed") with what's available,
and making it easy to update. Looked at another way, PDFs *are*
Softcopy Librarian documents.

> Over the years I have noted that IBM-MAIN people use this site less
> than they should.  Its facilities for searching on partial titles,
> single words, and the like are unexcelled.  Searching on just 'COBOL
> 5.1', for example, yielded the titles and a download box for all of
> the new publications

For those many of us wanting to maintain a complete and current set of
books for some subject area, Softcopy Librarian provides a nice
approach. But SL itself does not contain the hard part. Rather, it
depends on the continued maintenance of IBM's indexes; something IBM
is showing little sign of doing.

Tony H.

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