On Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:13:56 -0500, David Speake <david.spe...@bcbssc.com> 

>I recently ran across  this thread and am trying to create a few line commands 
>in native mode
>under z/OS   01.13.00. Did not EVEN know that LMAC existed. I cannot get DT 
>(Delete from
> command to top) and DB (Delete from command to bottom to work together. At 
> first I was
> "trying my own thing" using a table that pointed to a single MACRO for 
> multiple commands 
>and as an aside to my problem being a little lazy and probably more than a bit 
>less robust than
>Mark, e. g.

To use my DB and DT line macros (was I the "Mark" you were referring to?)

1) DT and DB from my web site or CBT file 434

2)  You need my LINEMAC macro or equivalent also from my web site or CBT file 

3) You need a version of LMAC supported under z/OS 1.13
http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/ispf/support/    (then search for 

Note that on z/OS 1.13 you can also use IBM's line macro built in support, but
you have to create the table.  I supply a pre-built table for my commands on
my web site and CBT file 434 also.  However, I still don't use it because unlike
LMAC which works globally, the line table is tied to an ISPF APPL.  So for 
it doesn't work if you use "SJ" in SDSF.   I have authored a requirement to add
global line table support into ISPF and if you are a SHARE member and want
this support, please vote on it!   It was not added in z/OS 2.1.


Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS  
ITIL v3 Foundation Certified                                     
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://search390.techtarget.com/ateExperts/
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