On Wed, 2 Oct 2013 11:05:34 -0500, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:

>Binyamin Dissen wrote:
>>As this is all REXX, I am trying to avoid shipping a program.
>Ah, now I understand. You can write a little REXX program. I was ready to post 
>it here, but you don't want a program
>>:>Good. What about utilities and IDCAMS?
>>Great. Which one will do what I want?
>Why not use this? This is as native you want.
>//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                  
>//SYSTSIN  DD *                         
>  PROF NOPREF                           
>  DELETE <dsn>(<member>)
The OP said he was concerned about the exclusive ENQ.

Then Mark Z. suggested that preallocating the data set SHR
avoids the exclusive ENQ.  Is that safe?  IDCAMS must have
some motivation for issuing the ENQ exclusive.  But I understand
that later releases of z/OS protect the directory better.  Perhaps
IDCAMS just hasn't caught up.

Then the OP said he wasn't concerned about concurrent EDITs
(but he said notning about concurrent reads or updates by
other means, such as IEBGENER.)

I think I'm confused.

-- gil

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