I had this exact problem during the Early Support Program for z/OS 2.1.  I ran 
an IDCAMS step, where, after substitution, the IDCAMS control statement went 
past column 72.  Here's the error I got:

IDC3302I  ACTION ERROR ON TECH008.TECH008Z.JOB01701.                    
IDC3313I **   ,TECH008Z,DEFCL   ,JES ,I,SYSIN                     ,             
          GET   ,WRONG LEN RECRD,**************,       

I suggested either truncating the record to the proper LRECL, so at least the 
user would realize what's going on, or perhaps breaking it up into 2 records.  
But IBM was suggesting that each individual utility be changed, which didn't 
make much sense to me.  I believe the current situation will lead to confusion 
and the wasting of a lot of folks' time.  I put in a Marketing Requirement in 
the hopes of changing this behavior, but I'm not sure if a solution will ever 
appear.  In the meantime, this unfortunate situation will continue.

On Thu, 10 Oct 2013 15:22:16 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:

>(We don't yet have 2.1, so I can't experiment.)
>There was plenty discussion here of the new-fangled facility to
>support symbol resolution in instream data sets, but I don't
>recall whether this specifically was discussed:
>What will happen (JES2, specifically) if substituting a symbol in
>an instream data set causes a record to exceed the otherwise
>LRECL (over which the programmer now has little control)?:
>o LRECL is adjusted to accommodate (almost best)?
>o JCL error (ugh!)?
>o The record is quietly truncated?  Worst; even if a warning is
>  issued the job should not be allowed to execute.  (I hate quiet
>  truncation!)
>Best of all would be to restore control to the programmer:
>allow RECFM and/or LRECL to coexist with * or DATA on the
>DD statement (presently they're mutex).  Those values, if
>coded, should be merged with the DCB at OPEN.  An oversize
>record, either read directly from INTRDR or created by substitution
>should cause a JCL error (I believe this can be detected before
>job initiation), and the programmer could change either the data
>or the attributes and resubmit.
>-- gil
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