(Scott Ford) writes:
> Still old adage the channels are slower than the process, hence
> usually a bottleneck. My past life before development I was a Comm guy
> ,hardware and software..saw of lot of bottlenecks

re: SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe 
(Still) Isn't Dead SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe 
(Still) Isn't Dead SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe 
(Still) Isn't Dead

original mainframe tcp/ip product was implemented in vs/pascal ... but
had some other issues ... getting approx. 44kbytes/sec using nearly full
3090 processor. I did the enhancements to support rfc1044 and in some
tuning tests at cray research got sustained channel speed throughput
between cray and 4341, using only modest amount of 4341 processor
(possibly 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction
executed). misc. past posts mentioning rfc1044

In late 80s, I was the asked to be on technical advisory board for XTP
protocol ... communication group tried hard to prevent my being on the
XTP/TAB ... one of the objectives was elimination of serialization and
sync points with various kinds of protocol processing hardware chips to
make things flow continuously asynchronously (w/o any buffer
copies)... and cut total system processor pathlength to 500 instructions
or less per packet.

above claims that XTP didn't employ congestion avoidance ... but I had
wrote spec. for adaptive rate-based congestion control
past posts mentioning xtp
old email with overview of xtp
mention of xtp for us submarines

part of the influence in XTP design was some of people from silicon
graphics that had worked on their graphics protocol engine that had high
performance pipelined design as data flowed out of system continuously
through asyncronously processing pipelined stages.

besides mention in the wiki article, some amount was sponsored out
of llnl/sandia ... gone 404 ... but lives on at the wayback machine

the above does mention rate control (adaptive rate control addresses
congestion avoidance).

say 8gbit/sec FCS ... 2gbyte/sec aggregate ... say 256k 4k records/sec
in each direction, 512k aggregate ... at 500 instructions/record ... say
1/4 BIPS, 1BIPS then handles 2M IOPS.

this mentions meeting on cluster scaleup early Jan1992 in Ellison's
conference room
end of Jan1992, cluster scaleup is transferred and we are told
we can't work on anything with more than four processors ... and
we decide to leave.

later, two of the other people at the Ellison meeting have also left and
joined small client/server startup and are responsible for something
called "commerce server". We are brought in as consultants because they
want to do payment transactions on the server; the startup had invented
this technology called SSL they want to use, the result is now
frequently called "electronic commerce".

One of the things that had to be done was map "SSL" technology to
payment business processes. part of this included doing something called
"payment gateway" that sits on the internet and handles traffic between
"commerce servers" (on the internet) and the "payment networks" ... some
past posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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