It is worth recalling Mr Perryman's name for this thread, viz.,

Security exposure of zXXP.

His riposte---It is not responsive---to my  last post employs a
rhetorical device that was familiar to the Alexandrian Greeks.

In answer to my contention that position 1457 and position 1458 in a
Kama Sutra of programming tactics have the same orthopedic risks his
rebuttal was that position 1457 aggravates scoliosis.

My point---I made it in deliberately bald language---was that the
security 'exposures' associated with the availability of SRBs are not
worse for zIIPs and zAAPs than they are for unspecialized CPs.

As Shane Ginnane noted in another context, auditors, however limited
their technical grasp, can and do read.  I foresee yet another
addition to their standard queries:

o Does your z/OS or z/VM installation have
   zIIPs, zAAPs, IFLs, . . . installed?

o If so list the uses that are made of them,
   identifying each application and each ISV

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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