On 11/11/2013 1:16 PM, John McKown wrote:
        And, again, we go back to old style keypunches
as to what the original JCL thought was reasonable to expect. Keying in
lower case on a 026 - is that even possible?

AFAIK the 026 was useful only for S/360 predecessors, and the 029 was the first supporting the S/360. An 026 ) + ( = ' were treated as < & % # @ respectively, and I wrote a little conversion routine to translate all my decks to the S/360 equivalents. As to lower case, it was possible, but not pleasant. The 026 and 029 will produce overpunches if you firmly press down on the card while punching, preventing it from advancing to the next column.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, Vermont

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