On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Fred Kaptein <fred.kapt...@hp.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are looking for the statements to insert into  /etc/syslog.conf   to do
> the following
>     - retain the unix syslog in a file directory /xxx/yyyy
>        (we have not yet decided on a directly, but please let us know if
> there is an IBM recommended directory)
>     - only retain 30 days of the unix syslog data (it is not important if
> the data is lost across IPLS)
> Thank you.

SYSLOG Daemon setup chapter.

#cat /etc/syslog.conf
#z/OS UNIX syslog daemon configuration file.
ArchiveInterval 60 #check UNIX free space every hour
ArchiveThreshhold 70 #archive if filesytem is >70% used
ArchiveTimeOfDay 00:00 #archive at midnight
 UNIT          SYSDA
daemon.*  /var/log/daemon.%Y-%m-%d   -N DAEMON(+1)
local0.*     /var/log/local0.%Y-%m-%d      -N LOCAL0(+1)
# Repeat & change for other facilities REF:
# create crontab entry as "root" to do "kill -HUP $(cat /etc/syslog.pid)"
command at midnight.
# that will switch the syslog daemon files at midnight to a new file name.
The %Y-%m-%d is changed
# by the syslog daemon to the current 4 digit year, dash, 2 digit month,
dash, 2 digit day of month when it gets
# the "kill" command.

The ArchiveParms allow you to offload the UNIX files into various z/OS GDGs
or sequential data sets if you want. The example is to disk, but you could
offload to a virtual tape or a tape library. I would highly suggest that if
you do this, that you make the data sets SMS managed so that your ACS
routines can set the storage class and management class. This will allow
SMS to allocate the DSN properly and DFHSM, perhaps, to manage any disk
resident data sets.

This is clearly another case of too many mad scientists, and not enough

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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