On 30 December 2013 08:25, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
<shmuel+ibm-m...@patriot.net> wrote:
> on 12/29/2013 at 06:03 PM, Tony Harminc <t...@harminc.net> said:
>>I imagine it's written in C, since it runs on Windows and Linux on i86,
> Cite? There are BookManager products on windoze, but I'm not aware of
> any that accept DCF, BookMaster or BookManager tags.

A quick browse of the mainframe executables I have (EOX and EOY
prefix) shows translator entries from 5688-216, which is AD/Cycle
C/370 V1R2. It seems plausible that at least some of the code would be
common with other platform implementations. I have no expertise in
deciphering Windows or Linux on i86 executables, but if you'd like to
give it a try, the "Java" Softcopy Reader is downloadable from IBM at
no charge.

Tony H.

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