Makes me curious of the lists opinion on if z/OS LPARs are usually able to 
contact an internet site, or are commonly isolated? 
I seem to have formed the impression that it's quite common to have a path 
out/in (typically via firewalling...) is that impression accurate?
It would seem to me that having a product work during initialization, then 
contacting a license server using, say, the CPUID just as vendor keys often do, 
to see if this is a licensed install would potentially be an option too? Of 
course only useful where a network path to the provider is permitted so would 
be back to manual registration keys for those where it is not... 
And not suggesting that is hackproof either, and I note the anecdotes that some 
sites have done the wrong thing, although if they had to actively hack I 
suspect 'they' would pause. Enabling more automation through connectivity 
rather than the expiring keys that I also remember would seem a nicer solution.

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