On 22/08/2014 3:08 PM, Shane Ginnane wrote:
Having said that, my understanding is that this count of "new" customers
>includes customers that completely reversed previously confirmed,
>in-progress business plans to migrate off the mainframe. IMHO, it is
>completely fair to count them as "new" since their moribund 9672s
>running just a few hard-to-kill apps under OS/390 V2R4 have now been
>replaced with zEC12s running z/OS 2.1 and a renewed business focus to
>move work onto the platform.
They're not all "moribund 9672s" - a local customer here was turfing out a 
couple of 196s and had to hurriedly roll in a couple of EC12 when the backflip occurred.
And no, unlike yourself, I don't count them as "new".

I would love to know who that customer is ;)

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