
A Bank I used to work for had "tons" of credit card (remember the days when they issued a receipt w/carbon paper and a "card" in the back ? They read them in (scanned?) I never saw that part of the operation other than they wheeled carts of cards through the computer room. I *vaguely* remember a MES for a card reader to read them. I *think* these were scanned though. .


On Dec 1, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

On Tue, 1 Dec 2015 14:41:58 -0600, Barry Merrill wrote:

I think a box of 2000 IBM cards is on the order of 6 pounds,
so a TON of JCL cards would be 333 boxes, or about 666,666
card images.

But, the useful weight is zero, since we only use the holes.

But as XKCD once said, "Four boxes of punch cards ought to be enough for anyone."

My memory of carrying around file trays (3, IIRC, when I was younger) is "more".

A little Googling says 2.42 g/card.  WAG, I think.

But you could keep it on micro SD cards.

-- gil

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