On 4 December 2015 at 08:34, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com>

> ​too true. I may even start playing the state lottery, even though that's
> not really a good idea. I understand enough statistics to know that. ​

Thing is, buying a ticket is almost completely irrelevant to whether you
win. I have multiple times over the years, unknown to me until after the
fact, had tickets bought for me under various circumstances. For most
people the chances of this happening are surely far higher than the chances
of winning. I'd guess this happens to me every year or two, so if I average
that out and say that on any given day there's maybe a 1/500 chance that I
have a ticket, this multiplier pales into insignificance when compared to
the lottery odds, which are typically numbers like 1/35000000.

Save your money; you may still win.

Tony H.

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