On 3/31/2016 10:26 PM, Andrew Rowley wrote:

Yes, the Java program used a little more than double the CPU of the Assembler program reading 8GB of SMF data - but more than half was on zIIP so there was actually less CP time. I need to do some tests to work out how that varies with different quantities of data i.e. how much is the startup of the JVM.

Have you experimented with –Xtune:virtualized ?

The chart on slide 27 of Iris Baron's presentation from SHARE in San Antonio shows how much faster ramp up occurs with that option set, yet ultimately the performance seems to fall short of what can be achieved with organic ramp up. https://share.confex.com/share/125/webprogram/Handout/Session17651/SHAREAug2015.Session17651.pdf

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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