On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 1:50 AM, Andrew Rowley <and...@blackhillsoftware.com>

> On 02/04/2016 10:09 PM, David Crayford wrote:
>> IBM switched the magic bit to offload the JZOS JNI C/C++ workload to a
>> zIIP so they could do the same for DFSORT. A well engineered library
>> could handle the callbacks so the client just reads records like a normal
>> API. That would certainly push Java batch up a notch.
> One question that puzzles me (maybe it's my lack of an application
> programming background): Why is sort used so much on z/OS?
> I know you can then e.g. do grouping based on key changes, but is that
> really necessary in current programs? Is that the reason it is commonly
> used?

​In my shop, it is used mainly so that the output, such as reports sent to
a web site for perusal or email, are in some order such as ​account number.
Also, DB2 uses it a lot when you do a CREATE INDEX, I think. IDCAMS uses it
when you build an alternate INDEX. This done when a VSAM file (yes, there
are a lot of them still around) is "reorganized" for performance or space

> I generally use e.g. Java HashMap, C# Hashtable for grouping so the data
> doesn't need to be sorted. Do other common languages on z/OS provide
> similar functions? (C++ I know.) Are there opportunities to use programming
> language features to avoid sorts altogether?

​Sure, but how often do you have a Java HashMap which contains, say, a
million entries? Oh, and the entries are not something like an "int", but
more like a C struct where the size of each struct is around 1500 bytes.
That would require about 1.5 Terabytes of memory. Not many systems have
that much to give you for a single "object".​ And yes, we _do_ sort such
monsters. Not often, granted, but we're doing a conversion right now and
the programmer is doing work on claims which go back 10 years! That's a
_lot_ of data! And <sob>, we don't have _any_ data bases, just VSAM and
sequential data sets. I've actually used VSAM to do "sorting", by inserting
records randomly, then reading them back in keyed order. The performance
was horrible. DB2, or other database system, could be used in such as
manner to avoid sorting. But I'd bet it would also be horrible. Of course,
if you're reading an already existing VSAM keyed file, or a database, then
you're golden. I'd bet most of the data in the non-z/OS world is kept in
such a manner, as opposed to a regular "file".

On z/OS, REXX has "stem" variables which are "content addressable", much
like a HashMap (keep type HaspMap, <grin>). The COBOL language doesn't have
anything like this built in. Neither does PL/I. Of course, IBM's Java for
z/OS does. As do other languages in the UNIX environment such as Perl. But
there just aren't as many of them in z/OS due to the effort to make them
work in an EBCDIC environment instead of an ASCII (or Unicode) environment.
For Perl, Larry Wall just said "forget it, we're not doing it any more". I
know that there is a port of LUA ( http://lua4z.com/ ), but I don't know
how popular it is. Unfortunately, z/OS people (programmers, sysprogs, and
management) don't really seem to be very interested in doing UNIX type work
on z/OS. Possibly because "it's too expensive!" or "it's not how we have
done things in the past and it's too difficult to bother learning." Or,
maybe, just plain NIH syndrome (Not Invented Here). I mean, have you read
the screams here about the latest COBOL requiring PDSEs for their
executable output? You'd think that they'd been told to convert their COBOL

> Andrew Rowley
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How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the
giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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