On 2/04/2016 5:21 PM, Martin Packer wrote:
Stray thought, Kirk (and yes made public)...

Maybe JZOS should have a way of mapping com.ibm.jzos.fields to DFSORT
symbols (perhaps for use with JZOS' sort integration).

That's an interesting idea. Are you suggesting using DFSORT to do the I/O for sequential data sets? I wonder what the overhead of the JNI callbacks would be
and if it would be quicker than RecordReader. That would be very cool!

And now back to everyone's (ir)regularly :-) scheduled programming...

Cheers, Martin

Martin Packer,
zChampion, Principal Systems Investigator,
Worldwide Cloud & Systems Performance, IBM


email: martin_pac...@uk.ibm.com

Twitter / Facebook IDs: MartinPacker

From:   Kirk Wolf <k...@dovetail.com>
Date:   01/04/2016 22:48
Subject:        Re: Microprocessor Optimization Primer
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>

I'm curious, Andrew -

Have you looked at the com.ibm.jzos.fields package for field mapping of
These can be made to use fancy support in the JVM for inline JIT
replacement of primitive access with machine instructions.

There is also some tools on the JZOS developerWorks site - the JZOS
RecordGenerator.   This tool will allow you to read Assembler DSECTS or
Cobol copybooks and generate Java classes that use the runtime classes



Kirk Wolf
Dovetailed Technologies

PS> The JZOS RecordReader (for eligible data sets) uses a JNI library that
uses best-practices BSAM techniques for efficiently reading sequential
sets.   The JNI interface is block-level, rather than record-level, which
helps a great deal.
The only part that you couldn't do yourself is to make the JNI library
zAPP/zIIP eligible.   The JZOS JNI libraries *are* zAPP eligible, since
they are part of the IBM JRE.

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 7:13 PM, Andrew Rowley
On 31/03/2016 23:34, David Crayford wrote:

Thanks for the info Andrew. We use the default GC options and our
workloads are both long running agents and batch jobs. I really do want
learn a lot more about how to tune the JVM for each specific workload.
SMF 30 records are useless. How do I find out how much time is spent in
overhead compared to actual processing? What tools do you use to
your JVM apps?

You probably know more about it than I do. I am pretty new to Java on
z/OS, coming from C#. I did some basic GC testing by running the same
10 times and taking the average for different GC options. I tried
optthruput because it sounded like what I want for Java batch, but from
memory total CPU increased by 2 or 3 times. All the GC options I tried
changing either increased CPU or made no change, so I have just been
the defaults.

There is an option somewhere where you can see the time spent in GC, the
Java guys say that as a ROT if it is >5% try a different GC strategy.
are so many knobs you can tweak though you could spend an awfully long
measuring their effects and interactions.

I do know that the effects of allocation patterns are very different for
GC languages and languages like C/C++. In C++ allocating and freeing
lived objects is expensive because the memory needs to be tracked. In GC
languages short lived objects are cheap, it is objects that survive to
that are expensive. This can make it a bit difficult to directly compare
performance because there might be different design decisions.

Most of my CPU time seems to be I/O related (processing SMF data). Even
removing all the reporting seems to make very little difference to the
consumed. I'm trying to work out if I can reduce the I/O overhead.

I don't know about JIT overhead - I think it is probably insignificant
because it should only compile the methods you actually invoke.

The FTS1 CPU is running CICS, IMS and that one Java batch job spikes

Without other work for competition anything CPU bound will max out the
CPU, so that's not necessarily a negative - it just means that it isn't
waiting for other things. E.g. at one site the DBAs greatly increased
Adabas buffer space. CPU contention increased massively as virtually
nothing was waiting for I/O anymore. Caused a few problems, but it's a
problem to have. It just means that if it can only get 5% CPU instead of
50% it will run ~10 times as long. Total CPU time is a better measure

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software
+61 413 302 386

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