On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 16:27:51 +0000, Windt, W.K.F. van der (Fred) wrote:

>But how would support for a longer parameter possibly break an existing 
>program? The program is passed the address of a binary half word (the length 
>of the content of the parm) followed by that content. Even if a much longer 
>parm was supported nothing would change for a program that is currently 
>invoked with a certain parameter.
>The program would probably break if somebody passes a 1000 character parameter 
>to a program that expects only 8 characters. But it would probably break as 
>well if you pass such a program a 9 character parameter.
And such a program is likewise broken whether the 1000 character PARM were 
by EXEC PARM=... or by PARMDD.

And it has always been possible to ATTACH a program with a parameter of up to
65535 characters with a 16-bit length field.  I have successfully passed a 65535
character parameter to an IBM program that way.

-- gil

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