Maybe dump question:

would a manual describing all the GDDM calls (from Fortran, for example),
be sufficient? Or is a lower level of definition needed? Is GDDM the only way
to access the graphic functions of the 3279 G graphic displays?

I recall that I had some problems in the 1980s, because GDDM expected for
all function calls that the leftmost bit be set on the last parameter address, which Pascal didn't; so I had to build ASSEMBLER glue functions for every GDDM function which inserted the missing leftmost bit at the position of the last parameter address. This was expected by GDDM, although the number of parameters was fixed.

I had a GDDM manual at that time which contained descriptions for all GDDM functions; IIRC independent of the calling language (the "normal" calling languages were Fortran and ASSEMBLER, obviously ... both using call by reference; because Pascal supports call by value, too, setting the high order bit in the parameter list is normally not a good

But this GDDM manual is long gone ... sadly.

Kind regards


Am 27.11.2017 um 15:17 schrieb Greg Price:
On 2017-11-27 7:22 PM, Bernd Oppolzer wrote:
run on my 3279 G display

And this time I'll get straight to the point.

I would pay money for a 3179-G manual.


Because while using programmed symbols is documented in a current manual, using 3270 vector graphics is not.

It used to be documented in the relevant hardware component manuals, but since those pieces of hardware are no longer marketed, the manuals have disappeared.

So how would TN3270 client writers figure out how to support vector graphics?  Probably with a lot of VTAM traces of GDDM applications' TPUT traffic.

Anyway, just sayin'.

BTW, did I mention that after 10 years, I'm out of IBM since the end of last August?  I wonder if they didn't think I was trendy or "with it" enough.  With my interest in bleeding edge technologies like 3270 graphics, that can't be right.  Never mind blockchain - I say let's think block-mode terminals!



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