That's right, ML1 can use SDSP.  Sorry.

On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 3:41 PM, R.S. <> wrote:
> Isn't it a feature of DFSMShsm?
> We're using it for ML1 purposes, I'm not aware of any other purpose,
> including "ML0".
> BTW: It is not my problem, I just heard about it. In my opinion it would be
> wise to review the application in order to reduce the number of datasets
> created.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> W dniu 2018-01-13 o 21:56, Mike Schwab pisze:
>> z/OS does have Small Data Set Packing.  Puts datasets under your exit
>> size limit into a VSAM KSDS.  For another storage pool, we did run
>> into problems with not enough entries in the VTOC, so we created
>> smaller volumes with large VTOCs.
>> On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 2:19 PM, R.S. <> wrote:
>>> Ron,
>>> While your solution can keep "small" datasets away from EAS, it is not a
>>> solution for a need I described.
>>> I mean a scenarion when many thousands of relatively small datasets need
>>> to
>>> be kept on disk. Colleague of mine administer a system, where ~200 000
>>> datasets are created during EOD.
>>> Of course when we talk about big storage needs it's  usually not-so-many
>>> datasets, but big or huge ones.
>>> Last, but not least, we have limited choice - up to 64(-256) non-EAV
>>> volumes
>>> or bigger EAV volumes (with the same limit for quantity).
>>> Regards
>>> --
>>> Radoslaw Skorupka
>>> Lodz, Poland
>>> W dniu 2018-01-13 o 19:02, Ron hawkins pisze:
>>>> Radoslaw,
>>>> That's why you can change the threshold for the track allocation area.
>>>> DCOLLECT and PROC UNIVARIATE will probably give you all the guidance you
>>>> need. DCOLLECT does not have the primary space allocation size so this
>>>> code
>>>> is not 100% accurate. It is good enough to give some guidance.
>>>> I executed this against one of our general purpose lab systems, and this
>>>> is the CMA waste estimate with break point value at 5, 10 and 20
>>>> cylinders.
>>>> EAV Breakpointvalue 10 Cylinders
>>>> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661
>>>> Total Wasted Cylinders 610787.607878009
>>>> Percent Wasted CMA                8.1%
>>>> EAV Breakpointvalue 5 Cylinders
>>>> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661
>>>> Total Wasted Cylinders 783635.165880735
>>>> Percent Wasted CMA               10.4%
>>>> EAV Breakpointvalue 20 Cylinders
>>>> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661
>>>> Total Wasted Cylinders 309321.636811143
>>>> Percent Wasted CMA                4.1%
>>>> You could use SAS code like this to come up with a  good starting point
>>>> for your shop when you go EAV.
>>>> options obs=max bufno=256 nosource2 nomacrogen nosymbolgen nomlogic
>>>> nomprint sortsize=6G msglevel=i;
>>>> goptions reset=all;
>>>> %let BPV=20;
>>>> Title1 "EAV Breakpoint Value &BPV Cylinders";
>>>> ***
>>>> Main Output Title     ;
>>>>                                          "MY.DCOL'"
>>>>                                          )
>>>>                             USER='myuid' HOST='111.222.333.444' DEBUG
>>>>                             S370VS RCMD='SITE RDW' LRECL=32760
>>>>                             PASS='mypw';
>>>> proc datasets lib=pdb kill noprint;
>>>> run;quit;
>>>> proc datasets lib=work kill noprint;
>>>> run;quit;
>>>> %include sourclib(typedcol);
>>>> run;
>>>> data dcolsp;
>>>>          set dcoldset;
>>>>          usedcyl=dcdusesp/(15*56664);
>>>>          if usedcyl>&BPV then wastecyl=mod(usedcyl,21);
>>>>          output;return;
>>>> run;
>>>> title2 "Data set size distribution in Cylinders";
>>>> proc univariate data=dcolsp;
>>>>          var usedcyl;
>>>>          histogram;
>>>> run;
>>>> title2 "Cylinder Managed Area - Data set size distribution in
>>>> Cylinders";
>>>> proc univariate data=dcolsp;
>>>>          where usedcyl>&bpv;
>>>>          var usedcyl;
>>>>          histogram;
>>>> run;
>>>> proc summary data=dcolsp nway;
>>>>          var usedcyl wastecyl;
>>>>          output  out=dcolsum
>>>>                          sum=
>>>>                          ;
>>>> run;
>>>> data _null_;
>>>>          set dcolsum;
>>>>          pctwaste=wastecyl/usedcyl;
>>>>          put             "EAV Breakpointvalue &BPV Cylinders"
>>>>                  /       "Total Used   Cylinders " usedcyl       best16.
>>>>                  /       "Total Wasted Cylinders " wastecyl      best16.
>>>>                  /       "Percent Wasted CMA             " pctwaste
>>>> percent16.1
>>>>                  ;
>>>> run;
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>>>> Behalf Of R.S.
>>>> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 5:48 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] AW: Re: Number of Cylinders per Volume
>>>> W dniu 2018-01-12 o 13:15, Tom Marchant pisze:
>>>>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2018 01:32:07 +0100, R.S. wrote:
>>>>>> BTW: an "awful waste of storage" is MCU on EAS which is 21 cyl. (315
>>>>>> trk). It is much more than 4kB and more than 4MB.
>>>>> Not such a big deal for very large data sets, which are the most
>>>>> appropriate ones to go into the cylinder-managed space. When you have
>>>>> a quarter of a million cylinders, allocating space on increments of 21
>>>>> cylinders isn't so bad, IMO.
>>>> Of course. However sometimes people need a lot of not-so-big datasets.
>>>> For ~1000 cyl datasets average lost is ~1% ( (21/2)/1000 ), but for 50
>>>> cyl
>>>> datasets is ~20%.
>>>> --
>>>> Radoslaw Skorupka
>>>> Lodz, Poland
> ======================================================================
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Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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