Oops, forgot about plain text formatting. I hope this is easier to read.

        Quantiles (Definition 5)
        Level           Quantile
        100% Max        5.02530E+04
        99%             3.60866E+02
        95%             3.89331E+01
        90%             1.60667E+01
        75% Q3          2.26616E+00
        50% Median      1.99991E-01
        25% Q1          6.62619E-02
        10%             6.62619E-02
        5%              6.62619E-02
        1%              0.00000E+00
        0% Min          0.00000E+00


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Ron hawkins
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2018 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] AW: Re: Number of Cylinders per Volume



I'm not sure I follow. I replied to your example that specifically talked to 
datasets of 50cyl allocated in CMA. I assume you chose 50 rather than 10, 
because 10 is the default BPV.


If your shop has a preponderance of datasets between 10 and 50 cyls then change 
the BPV so they are track managed. Then the waste is 0% and it addresses your 
example exactly. You would find this skew in the univariate output. In my 
sample data, the 95th percentile is 38.9 cyl.


Quantiles (Definition 5)



100% Max








75% Q3


50% Median


25% Q1








0% Min



The creation of 200,000 small datasets, where  I think you mean less than 1 
track, is not an EAV problem. You're talking about200,000 tracks of space per 
day, or 42 2290-54 per year. 200K tracks is less than the track managed area of 
a single volume so I don't see the problem. There would have to be an overpaid 
storage admin for these datasets to end up in the cylinder managed area.


Even fragmentation can't stop you allocating trk(1) in the TMA. There are 
better options with less waste suggested by Mike and Gil, and I've seen exact 
matches to this other problem you described with Control/D solved with SDSP.




-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of R.S.
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2018 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] AW: Re: Number of Cylinders per Volume



While your solution can keep "small" datasets away from EAS, it is not a 
solution for a need I described.

I mean a scenarion when many thousands of relatively small datasets need to be 
kept on disk. Colleague of mine administer a system, where ~200

000 datasets are created during EOD.


Of course when we talk about big storage needs it's  usually not-so-many 
datasets, but big or huge ones.

Last, but not least, we have limited choice - up to 64(-256) non-EAV volumes or 
bigger EAV volumes (with the same limit for quantity).




Radoslaw Skorupka

Lodz, Poland








W dniu 2018-01-13 o 19:02, Ron hawkins pisze:

> Radoslaw,


> That's why you can change the threshold for the track allocation area.


> DCOLLECT and PROC UNIVARIATE will probably give you all the guidance you 
> need. DCOLLECT does not have the primary space allocation size so this code 
> is not 100% accurate. It is good enough to give some guidance.


> I executed this against one of our general purpose lab systems, and this is 
> the CMA waste estimate with break point value at 5, 10 and 20 cylinders.


> EAV Breakpointvalue 10 Cylinders

> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661

> Total Wasted Cylinders 610787.607878009

> Percent Wasted CMA                8.1%


> EAV Breakpointvalue 5 Cylinders

> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661

> Total Wasted Cylinders 783635.165880735

> Percent Wasted CMA               10.4%


> EAV Breakpointvalue 20 Cylinders

> Total Used   Cylinders 7516066.07911661

> Total Wasted Cylinders 309321.636811143

> Percent Wasted CMA                4.1%


> You could use SAS code like this to come up with a  good starting point for 
> your shop when you go EAV.


> options obs=max bufno=256 nosource2 nomacrogen nosymbolgen nomlogic 
> nomprint sortsize=6G msglevel=i;

> goptions reset=all;


> %let BPV=20;


> Title1 "EAV Breakpoint Value &BPV Cylinders";                          *** 
> Main Output Title     ;


> FILENAME DCOLLECT FTP          (              

> "MY.DCOL'"

> )

>                            USER='myuid' HOST='111.222.333.444' DEBUG

>                            S370VS RCMD='SITE RDW' LRECL=32760

>                            PASS='mypw';


> proc datasets lib=pdb kill noprint;

> run;quit;


> proc datasets lib=work kill noprint;

> run;quit;


> %include sourclib(typedcol);

> run;


> data dcolsp;

>             set dcoldset;

>             usedcyl=dcdusesp/(15*56664);

>             if usedcyl>&BPV then wastecyl=mod(usedcyl,21);

>             output;return;

> run;


> title2 "Data set size distribution in Cylinders";

> proc univariate data=dcolsp;

>             var usedcyl;

>             histogram;

> run;


> title2 "Cylinder Managed Area - Data set size distribution in 
> Cylinders";

> proc univariate data=dcolsp;

>             where usedcyl>&bpv;

>             var usedcyl;

>             histogram;

> run;


> proc summary data=dcolsp nway;

>             var usedcyl wastecyl;

>             output out=dcolsum

>                                             sum=

>                                             ;

> run;


> data _null_;

>             set dcolsum;

>             pctwaste=wastecyl/usedcyl;

>             put                         "EAV Breakpointvalue &BPV Cylinders"

>                             /              "Total Used   Cylinders " usedcyl  
>               best16.

>                             /              "Total Wasted Cylinders " wastecyl 
>           best16.

>                             /              "Percent Wasted CMA                
>    " pctwaste          percent16.1

>                             ;

> run;



> -----Original Message-----

> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [ <mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> 
> mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of R.S.

> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 5:48 AM


> Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] AW: Re: Number of Cylinders per Volume


> W dniu 2018-01-12 o 13:15, Tom Marchant pisze:

>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2018 01:32:07 +0100, R.S. wrote:


>>> BTW: an "awful waste of storage" is MCU on EAS which is 21 cyl. (315

>>> trk). It is much more than 4kB and more than 4MB.

>> Not such a big deal for very large data sets, which are the most

>> appropriate ones to go into the cylinder-managed space. When you have

>> a quarter of a million cylinders, allocating space on increments of 
>> 21

>> cylinders isn't so bad, IMO.


> Of course. However sometimes people need a lot of not-so-big datasets.

> For ~1000 cyl datasets average lost is ~1% ( (21/2)/1000 ), but for 50 cyl 
> datasets is ~20%.


> --

> Radoslaw Skorupka

> Lodz, Poland






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