We've been using Node for internal tooling and IBM have done a good job. The Node eco-system is the fast growing of any language/runtime. Like I've said before the most exciting thing from my perspective is the clang compiler that ships with it.

One important feature that makes Node so scalable is libuv and it's async I/O. IBM have emulated epoll using standard poll so I can't see how it's ever going to scale like it does on other platforms. It's curious why they didn't use aio like the pollsets in the z port of the APR?

On 21/02/2018 9:12 PM, Jerry Callen wrote:
You don't have to build from source; you can get a downloadable SDK:


There is a DeveloperWorks forum for node.js on IBM platforms (including z/OS 
and Linux on Z):

-- Jerry

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