On Thu, 10 May 2018 11:01:12 -0500, Paul Edwards <mutazi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> If it's bimodal than it's not running under
>> OS/VS2 3.8 (MVS).
>Confusion in terms again.
>By "bimodal" I mean "capable of being run
>as *either* AM24 or AM31".

ie IEFBR14 is bimodal. Even trimodal in fact.
Start from IEFBR14 and work your way up
to the 3 MiB load module called "GCC".
What is preventing GCC from being trimodal
and being able to compile small C programs
under MVS 3.8j, much larger programs
under MVS/XA, and double the size on a
future z/OS, all with the exact same 32-bit
(uses only 32-bit registers found in S/370
so that it can still run on MVS 3.8j) load

BFN. Paul.

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