On Thu, 10 May 2018 14:35:08 -0500, Tom Marchant <m42tom-ibmm...@yahoo.com> 

>>This is a matter of defining "best programming
>>practices" and noting that you can't rely on the
>>BALR crap byte
>Best for you perhaps. Using only a limited subset of the instruction set. 
>And you don't seem to understand the value of the linkage information 
>saved in R1 by BAL and BALR in AMODE(24).

Wow, we're still struggling to wean people off
AM24, nevermind writing 64-bit apps.

Do you want the linkage information for debugging
purposes or are you trying to access it programmatically?

If the former, then you can still write trimodal
applications according to what I would call best
programming practices, but simply mark your
modules as AM24 so that they always get run
in AM24 whenever you are trying to debug them.
Someone else who wants lots of memory can
mark the exact same load module as AM31
or AM64 instead.

BFN. Paul.

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