On Fri, 11 May 2018 05:32:46 -0500, Paul Edwards <mutazi...@gmail.com> wrote:

>What I did was provide an option such that any
>request to activate AM31 with BSM instead
>activates AM32.

BTW, it would be good if z/Arch had a similar
option. ie you can configure the hardware so
that any attempt to activate AM24 can be
overridden to instead activate AM31/32/64.
Similarly an override for any attempt to
activate AM31, and a downgrade option for
AM64 to activate AM24/31/32.

That way you can set all the overrides to
AM64 and ensure that everything running
on your system is AM64-compliant, and
the system never leaves AM64. A z/OS
shop would become a pure AM64

Unlike Windows and x64 hardware, 32-bit software
can be run natively under AM64. It doesn't need a
special mode. Basically z/Arch hardware is
superior to x64 and this would be a great
selling point I think - a pure 64-bit environment,
even when running 32-bit software.

BFN. Paul.

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