Actually, the upshot is exactly not that.  Symbols in SYSIN are always
resolved when requested by SYMBOLS=.  The program that reads that SYSIN
never sees any symbols.

The 2nd parm of SYMBOLS is a DDname for a substitution report.  I would
have assumed you'd get that regardless, but evidently, the SYSIN file has
to be OPENed to get the substitution report.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson <>

> I think the upshot here is that support for symbols in *data* is a
> function of the program being executed. The 'system' will resolve symbols
> encountered in JCL, but the 'application' has to resolve symbols read from,
> say, SYSIN. That's why TYPRUN=SCAN will not show resolved symbols in data:
> the program is not actually executed. Whether it's EZACFSM1 or IEBGENER,
> the program has to run in order to resolve symbols.

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