"MBAM"? I'm guessing that's MBA "something"

I haven't had a chance to do more than skim the article, but it doesn't
look good at all.

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 4:51 PM Phil Smith III <li...@akphs.com> wrote:

> Mohammad Khan wrote, in part:
> >May be Ginny & friends don't want to be left out of all this cool cloud
> talk at the parties, so they made the claim. It's not like that there is a
> Cloud(TM) certifying authority that will shut them up :).
> Indeed. That’s what I’m getting out of this: it’s MBAM, only worse. And is
> going to doom IBM if they don’t smarten up.
> Article I tripped across, badly edited but trenchant:
> https://seekingalpha-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4205420-sad-decline-international-business-machines
> I (like most on this list) have made my career around IBM. I’ve had my
> frustrations with it, but it’s been Big Blue and a good thing for decades.
> Now it seems bent on self-destruction, and I’m watching its death-spiral
> and wishing I knew some way to stop it. I suppose Ginny & co. may feel the
> same way, but they sure don’t **appear** to be worried: it feels like
> it’s “full speed ahead, that can’t possibly be an iceberg up there!” and
> that’s both sad and scary. I’m not likely to give up on it – I have a
> proven track record of sticking with things long after it’s sensible, I’m
> afraid – but I can’t say I’m enjoying the current arc.
> …phsiii

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