For the first time ever, we are considering turning on SMS for tape. We've had 
decades of business practice where SMS and tape never intersect. My main 
concern is this: without SMS, a tape data set can be created and used without 
involving any ICF catalog. One 'benefit' of this practice is that multiple 
like-named tape data sets can coexist in the tape library as long a user is 
careful to provide correct volser information. The tape management system must 
support this option. We used CA-1 for years, and now RMM for years. As long as 
the user is careful, uncataloged tape data sets can be handled just fine.

SMS, however, introduces a whole new variable. In general, an SMS data 
set-certainly for DASD-must be cataloged. This precludes duplicate names. I 
don't want to argue the merits of this restriction. The point is that we may 
have countless cases of duplicate names. If they're not a problem within SMS, 
then we're cool. If we have to change business practices to accommodate SMS, we 
have a long and winding road to hoe.

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office <===== NEW<>

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