Hello everyone,
I have a curiousity question about Pervasive Encryption.
If we are already protecting resources with RACF, what additional benefit
do we get from Pervasive Encryption? I think it is a good idea, since
encrypted data lets me sleep better. Pervasive Encryption appears to be
very simple to implement.
My understanding (which may be incorrect) is that RACF will be used to
control encryption key access based on dataset profile rules and RACF rules.
If a RACF ID does not have access to the encryption keys then they cannot
access the dataset.
But at the same time, if a RACF ID does not have access to the dataset,
they cannot access it.

So, if the underlying file is encrypted, what addition security is in place?
Maybe if someone breaks into the data centre and steals the disk drives?

If a hacker gets a RACF ID, and the RACF ID allows them to access the
dataset, then they can read the data.
But, isn't that where we are today? No RACF ID = no access.

Obviously I am missing something here.

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