On 8/4/2023 11:39 AM, Jim Fenton wrote:
I’m even less clear on draft-chuang-mailing-list-modifications. Does it have to 
do with the currently chartered work

DKIM WG charter:

   "it will produce one or more technical specifications that propose
   replay-resistant mechanisms."

I don't have an opinion about the quality or utility of this I-D, but it has quite a few references to replay, including:

   "The validation results in this specification are orthogonal to the
   results indraft-chuang-replay-resistant-arc
   In addition to better supporting DMARC in the presence of
   mailing-list modifications, this specification enables attribution
   of malicious content back to the author. However this specification
   is vulnerable to replay much like DKIM and ARC.
   validation is tolerant of header and message body modifications but
   unable to provide attribution."

This would seem to answer you question.  That is, it has text indicating relevance.

You might disagree that it's relevant.  That's fine, but to promote useful discussion, details are needed.

From you.

That is, to the extent that you disagree about its relevance, it will help to hear specifics, rather than your asking a generic question that throws a burden of proof back on the document author, without providing them any indication what criteria you are applying here or any detail about why you think it not relevant.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf-dkim mailing list

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