It appears that Murray S. Kucherawy  <> said:
>> * Service providers that generate mail on behalf of an entity have no
>> visibility into any resulting errors, as they are sent to the entity and
>> not the provider.
>I've uploaded the charter, but now I realize that this bullet and the one
>talking about backscatter are basically talking about the same problem, are
>they not?

I think they're different.  The issue here is that ESP A mails on behalf of
company C using C's domain with permission, and bounces go directly to C
rather than via A.  But C doesn't know what to do with them since the
whole point of hiring A was that A has expertise C doesn't.

Backscatter is sending bounces in reply to spam with fake return addresses,
so they go to people that had nothing to do with the original message at all.

The same technique addresses both but the problems are different.


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