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In message <CAL0qLwZbr8D_P+fzv2PcnkMZ=qbsj_d_n5qhbv00fmwcw8z...@mail.gma
il.com>, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> writes

>On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 2:22PM Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com>
>> * Service providers that generate mail on behalf of an entity have no
>> visibility into any resulting errors, as they are sent to the entity and
>> not the provider.
>I've uploaded the charter, but now I realize that this bullet and the one
>talking about backscatter are basically talking about the same problem, are
>they not?

not really ...  the issue that had been overlooked relates to a good
sender who hires someone to send their mail. One of the destinations
fails and the report goes back to the sender not to the intermediary who
is looking after the destination list. The same issue arises with
mailing lists in that individual contributors learn of delivery failures
whereas it is in really a matter for the list owner to deal with.

the back-scatter issue relates to accepting email via a chain of
intermediaries and being unable to generate a delivery failure report
because of the risk of forgery... (so related, but a different balance
of good and evil).

However the risk of backscatter also means that you cannot accept email
and change your mind thereafter as to whether it is acceptable. It is
often the case that people would like to revisit past decisions to
accept email or merely wish to avoid keeping links open for extended
periods whilst decisions are made. Some people use greylisting for just
this purpose -- which is wasteful of resources and can result in very
extended delivery times... viz making greylisting unnecessary would be a
good outcome for the WG 

- -- 
richard                                                   Richard Clayton

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary 
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755

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