At 09:29 AM 12/2/99 -0600, Robert G. Ferrell wrote:
>While I think that continuing constructive critical dialogue is essential to 
>the health of the nation and its government, I also think that acknowledging 
>the fact that most FBI agents do the very best they can with what they have 
>is important, as well.  It's satisfying and entertaining to criticize cops
>call them stupid, but my guess is that we'd be a lot worse off without them...
>Just my opinion, of course.

For the record, mine as well. If there is a current issue here, that has a
bearing on IETF procedure, I think we should surface and discuss that, but
I'm concerned with the tone of the discussion so far, and don't see its
immediate relevance to protocol development in the present time frame.

I have sent a private note to Bill and Scott asking if there are further
issues the IESG should be concerned about.

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